1. Why did the new democracies set up after World War I fail? (And yes, I am aware the answer is in the reading so make sure your answer is in your own words.)
The new democracies set up after World War 1 failed for many reasons. For one, the postwar years brought powerful dictators to rise who were driven by the belief in nationalism and the desire for territorial expansion. Another reason was the failure of the Treaty of Versailles which Germany found unfair. These problems overwhelmed the Weimar Republic and the peace settlement did not fulfill Wilson's hopes of a world "safe for democracy." Without democratic traditions, people turned to authoritarian leaders to solve their countries' problems. The new democracies collapsed the dictators were able to seize power.
2. What are the characteristics of a totalitarian state?
A totalitarian state is a country with a government that maintains complete control over its citizens. Individuals have no rights, and the government suppresses all opposition. By 1939, Joseph Stalin had established a totalitarian government. Stalin took control over everything and was determined to eliminate anyone who threatened his power, even his most faithful supporters.
3. What factors led to the rise of Fascism in Italy?
By 1921, Benito Mussolini had accomplished creating a fascist regime in Italy. In 1922, Mussolini marched on Rome with thousands of followers wearing black uniforms. Their uniforms gave them the name "black shirts" Once the important government officials, police, and army sided with the fascist party, Mussolini was appointed head of the government.
4. What were the key ideas and goals that Hitler presented in Mein Kampf ?
In the book Mein Kampf, Hitler set fourth the basic beliefs of the Nazism that became his plan of action for the Nazi party. Nazism is based on extreme nationalism. Hitler dreamed of uniting all German speaking people in a German Empire. He also wanted to enforce racial "purification" in Germany. Hitler believed in an Aryan race, preferably blue-eyed blonds. Hitler had a dislike for anyone who wasn't white, especially Jews. Another element of Nazism was national expansion. Hitler believed in order for Germany to thrive, they needed more land.
5. Why did Japan invade Manchuria?
Japan decided to invade the Chinese province of Manchuria with a surprise attack in 1931. In Japan, nationalist military leaders were trying to take control of imperial Japan. They believed in the need for more land for a growing population, same as Hitler. In need of more land, Japan invaded Manchuria. Within several months, Japanese troops controlled the entire province.
6. What foreign countries were involved in the Spanish Civil War?
In 1936, a small group of Spanish army officers rebelled against the Spanish republic. Led by Francisco Franco, this became known as the Spanish Civil War. Fighting against Franco were the Americans. The Americans formed the Abraham Lincoln Battalion consisting of over 3,000 troops. Among these troops were African Americans still bitter about Mussolini's invasion of Ethiopia. Franco, however, was backed by Hitler and Mussolini who sent troops, weapons, tanks, and fighter planes. Franco's victory in 1939 established him as the fascist leader of Spain.
7. What factors contributed to America's growing isolationism?
There were many factors that contributed to America's growing isolationism. Most Americans were alarmed by the international conflicts of the mid 1930's but believed they should stay out of it. Public outrage over a flood of books that argued that the United States had been dragged into World War 1, led to the creation of a congressional committee. The Nye committee made the controversy even worse by documenting large profits that banks and manufacturers made during the war. Americans because more determined than ever to avoid war. The Girl Scouts of America even changed the color of their uniforms to appear less militaristic.
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